Views: 0 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-09-21 Origin: Site
I.C.T team moved to Dongguan in September and held an opening ceremony on September 19. Successively I.C.T team traveled to Northwest China: Gansu and Qinghai for 6 days.
In Qinghai, I.C.T Team visited Qinghai Lake, the Chaka Salt Lake, and the Ta'er Monastery, the birthplace of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
I.C.T as the core supplier of SMT Solution in China, we can not only provide professional SMT Machine to the global customers, but also can enjoy our life and feel the power and beauty of China.
Come with us to experience the beautifull scenery of Northwest China.
1. Danxia Landform in Gansu:
2. Jinta Populus euphratica forest:
3. Jiayu Pass:
4. Chaka Salt Lake:
5. Qinghai Lake: