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Samsung Pick And Place Machine Development History

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Historical background of Samsung SMT Division in South Korea:

1989: Entered the SMT field and completed the localization of the SCM-130 high-speed pick and place machine

1991: Launched the SCM-120 high-speed pick and place machine

1992: Received the IR52 Chiang Young-sil Award (SCM-130)

1993: Started the development of wire bonders and was designated as the main developer of the "G7 project", and the high-speed pick and place machine began to be exported overseas

1994: High-speed pick and place machine obtained KT certification (KT94--58) and established Hamamatsu Research Institute in Japan

1995: Launched CP-11 high-speed pick and place machine development, launched SWB--100G wire bonder

1996: Launched medium-speed CP--30 high-speed pick and place machine

        Developed the dispenser DP--20

1997: Launched CP-33L(V) high-speed pick and place machine


        Launched CP- -40L(V), CP- -50M fine pitch type high-speed pick and place machine

       Launched SWB-700, SWB-700R type wire bonder

        The number of high-speed pick and place machines produced exceeds 1,000 machines

1999: ISO 9002 certified (C/M), ISO 14001 certified (C/M)


        WBA Diamond Award (Product Competitiveness)

        Launched CP- -40+ high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched CP--45FV high-speed pick and place machine

        Introduced SWB-700F type wire bonder

2001: Launched CP-60L high-speed pick and place machine

2002: Launched CP-60HP high-speed pick and place machine launched SWB-8002 wire bonder into the biotechnology industry

2003: Won the Industrial Technology Innovation Award Launched CP-45NEO High Speed Mounter Launched SWB-8002 Wire Bonder


        Production of the 5000th high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched CP-63(HP) high-speed pick and place machine

       Introduced SWB-800 Superior Wire Bonder


        Launched SM320 high-speed pick and place machine

       Monthly sales exceed 20 billion won

        Launched SM310 high-speed pick and place machine

       Launched SWB800Neo Type Wire Bonder

2006: Launched SM321 high-speed pick and place machine, launched SMP300 screen printing machine

2007: .

        Launched SM411 high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched SM421 high-speed pick and place machine

       Received IR52 Jiang Young-sil Award (W/B)


        Launched SM411F high-speed pick and place machine

       Launched SMP400 screen printing machine


        Introduced SM431 type Samsung high-speed pick and place machine Introduced SMP400S type solder paste screen printing machine


        Launched SM421S high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched SM451 high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched SM431L high-speed pick and place machine

       Launched SP1 type screen printing machine


        Launched SL _M110, SL .M120 type L .ED special pick and place machine

       SM120 SM168 SM431 SM411FX SM451 SM471 Korea Hanwha Mounter SM481PLUS


        EXCEN high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched EXCEN high-speed pick and place machine Launched SM471 high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched SM481 high-speed pick and place machine

        Launched SM482 high-speed pick and place machine

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